Do Custom Orthotics Really Work and Are They Worth the Cost?

 If you’ve been experiencing foot pain, you may have researched custom orthotics as a solution. While there are many benefits to custom orthotics like personalized support and relief for chronic foot conditions, they can come at a high cost. The significant financial investment may leave you unsure about whether they are worth it. So, the question is: do custom orthotics really work?

We'll cover everything you need to know about custom orthotics in this article, including pros and cons, average pricing and more affordable alternative options. With this information, you can better decide if custom orthotics are the right solution for your foot health and comfort needs.

What Are Custom Orthotics?

Custom orthotics are insoles individually designed to match your foot's unique contours and alignment. They are typically designed to help those with foot or ankle problems or other chronic conditions by providing targeted support and cushioning. Orthotics can be made from rigid or soft materials. Rigid orthotics control abnormal motion and realign the foot, while soft orthotics cushion pressure points.

There are two main types of custom orthotics:

  • Functional orthotics correct biomechanical abnormalities like overpronation to relieve pain from injuries or arthritis. They help realign the foot joints during motion for improved gait.
  • Accommodative orthotics redistribute pressure on rigid, arthritic joints to enhance comfort. They provide cushioning for sensitive areas.

To create custom orthotics, your foot specialist will first capture your precise measurements and the foot’s unique contours using a mold or 3D scan. Then, custom orthotics are meticulously fabricated from specialized rigid or soft materials, depending on your specific needs.

When Are Custom Orthotics Prescribed?

Orthotics are often prescribed to treat conditions like plantar fasciitis, shin splints, chronic blisters and diabetes complications. The customized fit provides relief and support beyond over-the-counter insoles.

If pursuing custom orthotics, patients may work with specialized clinicians, such as:

  • Podiatrists, who diagnose and treat foot and ankle conditions. They may prescribe custom orthotics and refer patients to pedorthists for fitting and footwear modifications.
  • Pedorthists, who specialize in footwear modifications and orthotic devices to address foot and lower limb conditions. They analyze biomechanics and recommend corrective shoes or inserts.
  • Orthotists, who assess needs, take measurements and specify the technical design of custom braces and orthotics. They fit devices and evaluate treatment outcomes.

"Prescribing the wrong orthotic never results in a positive outcome,” says podiatrist Dr. Positano. “This is why a skilled medical professional is best suited to evaluate and prescribe the solution." It’s important to understand the role each profession plays in orthotics.

In the process of getting custom orthotics, you should first see a podiatrist who can diagnose and treat overall foot and ankle conditions. Podiatrists may prescribe custom orthotics and then refer you to another specialist for further assessment and to build the required orthotic. Pedorthists focus solely on the feet and lower limbs, while orthotists design other orthotic devices for all parts of the body, such as braces for knees. While both play key roles in helping patients achieve better mobility and comfort, you’ll most likely be referred to a pedorthist if the source of biomechanical issues is in your feet.

Pros and Cons: Are They Really Effective?

Custom orthotics are intended to provide benefits to patients. However, there are ongoing debates regarding how effective they truly are. Here are some pros and cons to consider:

A product image of the FP Insoles Kingfoam Orthotic Elite Pro Insoles with a dark green camo pattern background and the words "FP Impact" on the left insole and "Elite High" on the right insole in orange-colored font.


  • Pain Relief for Foot Conditions: Custom orthotics can be highly effective in alleviating discomfort and halting the progression of chronic conditions. They can be beneficial for conditions like:
    • Plantar Fasciitis: Custom orthotics can relieve the pain associated with plantar fasciitis by offering better arch support and cushioning.
    • Arthritis: Orthotics can help manage joint pain and reduce the impact of arthritis in your feet.
    • Diabetes: Individuals with diabetes often require custom orthotics to alleviate pressure points and reduce the risk of diabetic foot complications.
    • Metatarsalgia: Customized orthotics can redistribute pressure in the forefoot, relieving metatarsalgia.
  • Improved Alignment and Posture: Custom orthotics are designed to correct improper foot alignment, which can lead to improved overall posture. This can reduce joint strain and mitigate issues like overpronation, which can cause pain and discomfort.
  • Enhanced Athletic Performance: Athletes can benefit from custom orthotics as they offer proper arch and heel support, facilitating natural foot motion and reducing the risk of injuries.
  • Customization: Custom orthotics are created from precise molds of each foot, ensuring a high level of personalization and support tailored to an individual's unique needs.


  • No Guarantee of Relief: While custom orthotics are effective for many people, they are not guaranteed to provide the desired pain relief or comfort. The efficacy of orthotics can vary from person to person.
  • Overprescription: Sometimes, healthcare professionals may prescribe custom orthotics when unnecessary. Overprescribing orthotics can be costly and may not always lead to better outcomes.
  • Quality Concerns: The orthotics industry is not always regulated rigorously, and there are instances of low-quality orthotics offered by unscrupulous suppliers. Researching and choosing certified and reputable suppliers is crucial to ensure the orthotics' durability and effectiveness.
  • Inadequate Gait Analysis and Examination: A thorough gait analysis and examination by a qualified professional are necessary for custom orthotics to be effective. A poor assessment can result in orthotics that do not address the issue's root causes.

Why Are Custom Orthotics So Expensive? Factors Influencing Their Cost

Custom orthotics are personalized foot support solutions that significantly improve comfort and address various foot and lower limb issues. However, the cost of custom orthotics can concern many individuals. To understand why they come with a substantial price tag, let's delve into the factors that influence their cost:

  • Examination and Diagnosis: You'll start with an initial consultation comprehensive exam by a podiatrist. It may involve additional diagnostic tests such as X-rays, gait analysis and other assessments to understand your foot needs.
  • Casting: A podiatrist takes a non-weight-bearing cast of your feet to create a precise impression of your foot structure. These molds are essential to ensure the custom orthotic support fits your foot perfectly. The casting process is typically painless and straightforward. It involves wrapping your feet with wet plaster strips, which harden to create an accurate impression.
  • Fabrication: After examination and casting, the orthotics creation process begins. Advanced technology, including 3D foot scanners and computer-aided design (CAD) software, is used to create custom orthotics with precision. Computer-aided milling machines craft the orthotic shell, ensuring a tailored fit. The choice of materials significantly affects the cost of custom orthotics. Basic plastic orthotics are more affordable, while advanced materials like graphite or carbon fiber come at a higher price.
  • Markup: Like any business, the orthotics industry includes a markup in its pricing structure. This markup covers various aspects, including the cost of casting and mold-making materials, the podiatrist's examination, any equipment used during the examination and the final orthotics provided to the patient.

Can I Use Health Insurance to Cover the Costs?

Health insurance plans may cover a portion of the cost of custom orthotics, reducing out-of-pocket expenses for the patient. However, it's essential to check with your insurer to understand the extent of coverage and any restrictions that may apply. Some insurance plans do not cover custom orthotics, while others may require specific medical conditions for coverage.

How Much Do Custom Orthotics Cost? 

Custom orthotics costs typically range in price from $200 to $800. The cost can vary based on the complexity of the orthotic design, the materials used and the healthcare professionals' expertise. Many individuals find the higher cost justified by the relief and benefits of highly customized orthotics tailored to their unique biomechanical requirements.

Image of FP Insoles Kingfoam Orthotics Insoles in their white camo print, set criss-crossed on a stump outdoors.

Less Expensive Off-the-Shelf Alternative Orthotics

  • Custom Orthotic Insoles: Custom orthotic insoles are precisely tailored to an individual's feet and gait. They are typically prescribed by healthcare professionals such as podiatrists, sports medicine physicians or orthopedic surgeons following a comprehensive evaluation. These insoles offer a high level of customization, accommodating an individual's unique foot structure and addressing specific biomechanical concerns.
  • Over-The-Counter (OTC) Orthotics: Over-the-counter (OTC) orthotics encompass a range of products like insoles, arch supports, heel liners and foot cushions. They are available without a prescription and can be purchased from various retail sources. While OTC orthotics offer support, it's important to note that their effectiveness can vary, and they may not provide the same level of customization as custom insoles.

Why Choose Over-the-Counter Orthotics:

There are several reasons why individuals might opt for off-the-shelf orthotic alternatives over custom orthotics:

  • Cost: One of the main advantages of over-the-counter orthotics is their budget-friendly price point. The affordability makes them accessible to a wider range of individuals compared to custom options.
  • Variety: With many OTC orthotic products available, you should be able to find the right one for your needs. The wide selection of materials, firmness levels and sizes increases the likelihood you'll discover an ideal match for your preferences and foot type.
  • Ease of Fitting: OTC orthotics are typically available in standard shoe sizes, simplifying the fitting process. However, individuals with unique foot characteristics, such as different-sized feet, may need to modify OTC orthotics for a precise fit.
  • Convenience: OTC orthotics are available in most stores and online shopping platforms. For those seeking immediate relief, they offer a convenient solution that can be purchased with minimal effort.

The choice between OTC and custom orthotics depends on individual foot needs and preferences. As Dr. James P. Ioli, a podiatrist, writes in his article, "A person of average weight, height, and foot type, and with a generic problem such as heel pain, usually does well with an over-the-counter or kiosk orthotic…Someone with a specific need, or a problem such as a severely flat foot, may benefit from custom prescription orthotics."

How to Make an Informed Decision

Questions to Ask Your Healthcare Provider:

  1. Which type of orthotic (custom or OTC) do you recommend for my specific foot condition and needs?
  2. What are the potential benefits and drawbacks of custom orthotics for my condition?
  3. Are there any underlying health concerns or medical conditions that may influence the choice between custom and OTC orthotics?
  4. Do you have experience or knowledge of specific OTC orthotic brands or models that have proven effective for patients with similar conditions?
  5. Are there any specific features or characteristics I should look for in an OTC orthotic product to ensure it meets my needs?

What to Look For in a Quality OTC Orthotic:

When choosing over-the-counter orthotics and insoles, not all products are made equal. Quality and effectiveness can vary significantly among brands. Here are some key features to look for when you are shopping for OTC products:

  • Multiple Arch Options: Look for options that provide multiple arch height choices to accommodate the natural variations in arch contours from person to person.
  • Deep Heel Cups: Seek insoles with deep heel cups to enhance natural shock absorption, providing greater comfort and stability.
  • Trim-to-Fit Options: Look for trimmable OTC insoles or a trim-to-fit design. This allows you to customize the size and shape of the insoles to fit your shoes perfectly.
  • Material Quality: Choose OTC insoles made from durable, high-quality materials that withstand daily wear and tear. Look for options that offer long-lasting support and comfort.
  • Cushioning: Some OTC insoles have extra cushioning in the heel or forefoot areas, providing additional comfort and impact absorption. Consider your comfort preferences and any specific foot issues when selecting cushioned options.

Image of FP Insoles Gamechangers Custom Orthotics - Ethnic Legacy laying diagonally on a concrete floor.

Get Affordable Custom Orthotics with FP Insoles

When evaluating custom versus over-the-counter orthotics, consider your specific foot health needs and alignment issues. Custom orthotics can provide worthwhile benefits for those with moderate to severe discomfort that OTC insoles cannot adequately address. However, they may be unnecessary for some. Always consult a podiatrist for recommendations if you’re unsure.

At FP Insoles, we offer an affordable and accessible alternative — custom moldable orthotics that adapt to the unique shape of your feet. Whether you need support for high-impact sports, long hours on your feet or something else, our Kingfoam Orthotic Insoles and Gamechangers Custom Orthotics collections are perfect for your active lifestyle. Our proprietary arch technology is heat-activated, allowing you to mold the insole to your exact foot contours. 

Get the personalized comfort and support you need at a fraction of the price of traditional custom orthotics. Discover our full collection of insoles to choose the right insole for your foot and comfort needs. 

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